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Good people outside and inside Japan
Anne Frank, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller ...
the books for teenagers have good role models.

Good people outside and inside Japan_c0157558_121183.jpg
Japanese role models are mainly the kings and
shoguns of samurai who were probably tyrants
and are responsible for murdering and massacre
of so many thousands of people.

日本人の " 偉人 " はなんだか人殺しの責任者だった
Good people outside and inside Japan_c0157558_122960.jpg
And these are all written / drawn in manga.
It's a manga comic country and people's heads all
became comic also.
Good people outside and inside Japan_c0157558_12444.jpg
ただ・・ これらはすべてマンガで描かれている。
by fighter_eiji | 2008-12-31 01:09 | English
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