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on YouTube : YouTube を見てくれた人たちからコメントが。 == From a Viewer == Like them a lot. The shortest one was especially punchy, turning it around, asking the parents if they listened to their children. Omedetto! F.O.T. ○● YouTube を見た人から ○● 最も印象に残った言葉は、以下のふたつでした。 "Studying must be fun." “Without the destination, what's gonna happen to the boat? It will sink.” 本当にその通り!と思わず声に出しそうになりました。 いつも考えさせられるメッセージをありがとうございます。 == From a Viewer == I agree with you. I really think that education style should be changed and improved. The point is how to make students be interested. The problem is that most of teachers has no experience in general society. I mean what teachers said is not convincible and not concrete. My opinion is that people who has success story and has been famous should sometimes participate classes. In this case, students will be interested and listen to his class. And also children should be outside and close to natural things. The current environment is a lot of artificial things. This is just part of my opinion. Thank you again and best regards. ○● 読者から ○● 英治さん、 いつもありがとう! これ、娘に見せてやりますよ。 「これが、パパのお友達のボクサーさん」だってね。 今度、本当に一緒にランチでもできるといいんだけどね。 ○● 読者から ○● お早うございます~ 動画全部を視聴出来ました。 とてもかっこいいですよ! Thank you! きっと英治さんの講演姿も立派だと思います。 お元気で。 == From a Viewer == Hi Eiji, I agree with you 100% that must have been the problem with my teachers. == From a Viewer == Very nice! Great way to get the message out. ○● 読者から ○● とても感動しました。 全部そのとおりです!! エイジさんほどに生徒や子供の立場で、 はっきりとものを言ってくれる人はいません。 先生はまったく頼りになりません。 口では言っても、エイジさんみたいに行動には移しません。 ![]()
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