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  ●●  From Someone Watched YouTube  ●○

In response to these videos ..

  YouTube :

hey Eiji.

So true are your words about taking
dreams away!
if we don't have dreams anymore than
the world is lost and we will be
los as mankind.
your words are in the middle of these thought

that is now happening in Holland,
so many people ,young &old are being fired
from there jobs,
companies taking so many dreams people
have and so many people became
numbed and lost hope

we have being Fff by bankers and that
institutions is still alive,
people lost so many money and savings
and pensions are vaporized
dreams of a nice old age are gone
so its so true,if you take dreams you kill people

    --- Amsterdam ---


I find your you-tube clips engaging because
they are short!
Each makes a point quickly.

    --- New York City ---
by fighter_eiji | 2009-07-17 00:08 | English
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