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UNWC Sakaide
Tomorrow, the first day of the summer holidays,
we are holding " UNWC / United Nations of
World Children " in Shamijima Island in Sakaide
City, Japan right beside the Seto Great Bridge.

Some are taking midnight buses from Tokyo.
Some are driving across the sea from Kyoto.
Some are riding bicycle all the way from Kobe
and tonight they are on the ferry.
Some already arrived after a long drive
from Nagano and they are sleeping in the
tent tonight on the beach.
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All these youngsters will remember this day
and how they've come all the way by following
their nature calls.
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I'm sure all of them will change the world and
they have already started working on it.
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Always believe that an action by a small group
of people is the beginning of the big change.
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by fighter_eiji | 2009-07-19 22:16 | English
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