Rie was 13 years old when she came to the
first UNWC - United Nations of World Children -
( known as " Kodomo Kokuren " in Japan )
5 years ago in 2004.
She participated in the event a few times
afterwards also.

Rie, 18 today, now tells me --
-- It seems that all Japanese people do the
same things everywhere. i.e. No one does
or thinks something different.
-- She agrees to what I say all the time
" Japanese people pretend that they didn't
see anything, know anything and never
take any action. ".
" Those pretenders are the accomplices. "
-- She is determined not to be one of them.
-- She wants to go out to the world and be
of good use to the planet earth.

何度か 『 こども国連 』 に参加してくれた。
リエちゃんがこう言った :
- 日本人は大体みんな同じことばっかりやってる
- エイジが言う 「 見てみぬふりは共犯者 」 に賛成
- テレビキャスターが浅はかで責任のないことを言ってる
「 将来、世界に出て、世界の役に立ちたい!」