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Japanese military is still around
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_034344.jpg
Just like Japanese military and the politicians,
businessmen change the story and the history.
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_043323.jpg
They bury facts to protect themselves.

Japanese military is still around_c0157558_052461.jpg
Japan Railway (JR) killed 107 passengers as the
train jumped off the rails and smashed into
a concrete building by the railroad
and the board members have been hiding
the truth.

The war is over, but not yet.

Japanese military is still around_c0157558_055929.jpg
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_06163.jpg

Japanese military is still around_c0157558_082266.jpg
She lost her daughter.
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_0111684.jpg
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_0145699.jpg
Japanese military is still around_c0157558_0154159.jpg

by fighter_eiji | 2009-10-04 00:17 | English
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