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Japanese TV never say this .. Why?
---- The Seoul Times (Oct 4, 2009) ----

        Letters from Tokyo
Racist Ishihara Fails to Get 2016 Olympic Games

         By Lee Jay Walker
       Tokyo Correspondent

Victory for Rio!

Japan failed to get the 2016 Olympic Games
despite glossing over the racist governor of Tokyo.
Yet clearly the governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara,
was the weak link in the chain because he might be
forgiven for being a racist in Tokyo but the same did
not apply to the wider world. Therefore, will the
people of Tokyo wake up to the reality of Ishihara?

Firstly, I would like to state that The Seoul Times
published several articles about Ishihara and the
racial nature of this individual. I myself informed
several major organizations about Ishihara and
notified them about past statements he made with
regards to other ethnic groups and towards women.

I am not claiming that this was the reason why
Ishihara lost, of course not, that would be
foolhardy and over-playing my role because I was
just one of many committed people and
organizations who were against the Tokyo bid.

Also, the reason behind the failure of Tokyo’s bid
will be multiple and maybe my articles had no
impact what so ever, I will never know.
However, I, other individuals, and organizations,
did our best to inform the wider world and it shows
you that the grass roots can’t be ignored.

I will concede that many innocent members of the
Tokyo bid did a very good job, however, I believe
that they had little hope because of the past
deeds of Ishihara.
After all, Ishihara clearly played a back seat and he
was no robust Governor during this bid, instead he
looked out of touch with the modern world.

How ironic that multi-cultural Rio won the bid and
that a superstar like Pele is visibly the anti of what
Ishihara likes.

Remember, Ishihara is clearly a dangerous
maverick and he is an individual who panders to
anti-foreign bashing when the time pleases him.
More alarming, he is a revisionist of history and a
person who denies the Rape of Nanking (Nanjing).

Rape of Nanjing —The Nanking (Nanjing) Massacre
refers to a 6-week period following the Japanese
capture of Nanking, then capital of China,
on Dec. 9, 1937.
During this period, hundreds of thousands of
civilians were murdered and 20,000-80,000 women
were raped by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army

Ishihara stated that the Rape of Nanjing is a myth
because he commented that "They say we made a
holocaust there, but that is not true. It is a lie made
up by the Chinese." Yet the Rape of Nanjing did take
place and both official documents and other forms of
evidence are clearly available.

Also, like I stated in my article “Japan under Ishihara
must not be given the 2016 Olympics,” I commented
that Ishihara stated that "old women who live after
they have lost their reproductive function are useless
and are committing a sin." He is clearly stating that
women have no value once they have lost their
reproductive function and this is a far cry from the
equality of the Olympic movement.

In truth, Tokyo should have had a great chance of
winning the 2016 Olympic bid because they have not
held the summer Olympics for a very long time.
Also, it is abundantly clear that the infrastructure of
Tokyo is very high and crime is not an issue.

Yet despite this, and the sheer size of the economy
of Tokyo and all the other positives, it was clear that
Ishihara was the weak spot and he could not be
kept out of the picture.

Another weakness of the bid was that it looked like
“an elite bid” which would merely develop wealthy
parts of Tokyo and the “human side” appeared to
take a back seat. However, London, despite many
parts of this city being wealthy, focused on
developing a neglected part of London where
unemployment and other negative social issues
are a reality.

The Tokyo bid was more like a United Nations bid
and too much focus was put on the environment
and it was clear that many people from Tokyo
were disinterested because the elitist Ishihara
does not understand “the real world.”

I am sad for all the decent people of Tokyo who
wanted this city to emerge victorious.
However, I am glad that Tokyo lost because it
would have given a dangerous legacy and more
important, it would have given a rampant racist and
sexist a chance to revitalize nationalism in Japan.

How ironic that multi-cultural Rio emerged victorious
and surely this will add “salt to the wounds” of

Maybe the campaign led by The Seoul Times,
other individuals, and organizations, did not sway
the International Olympic Committee?
However, the Olympic dream is based on the
fraternity of all nations and supports sexual
equality; therefore, I am going to dream
“that justice won,” even if other factors were at
play in the downfall of the Tokyo Olympic bid.
by fighter_eiji | 2009-10-04 20:54 | English
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