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Doctors and nurses on board
To: Children

I guess that Japanese military shot this hospital
ship because they put up the big sign of a big
" red cross " because that military is the best
at attacking the unprotected such as babies
and mothers with absolutely no weapons or
no intentions at all to fight.

子どもたちへ :
Doctors and nurses on board_c0157558_18263356.jpg

  - Japanese 'should apologise for
     Centaur'DARREN CARTWRIGHT (The Age) -
January 10, 2010


Queensland's Acting Premier Paul Lucas has called on
the Japanese government to apologise for the
"barbaric" and "senseless" torpedoing of Australian
Hospital Ship (AHS) Centaur during World War II.

Mr Lucas told reporters on Sunday that photos of the
wreck, which lies 48km east of the southern tip of
Moreton Island at a depth of 2,059 metres, show it
was clearly marked as a hospital ship.

The Centaur was torpedoed by a Japanese
submarine off the Queensland coast in 1943,
killing 268 of the 332 people on board.

Shipwreck hunters took the first ever underwater
footage of the Centaur at 2.50am (AEST) on Sunday
during a six-hour mission to the wreck.

"... Whilst the Japanese have certainly apologised
for their actions during the Second World War,
it would be appropriate for those involved to
express an apology," Mr Lucas said.

"In this barbaric act, people lost their lives.
Sailors, soldiers, nurses, doctors, orderlies.
It was totally senseless and a wanton act.

"Terrible things happen in war, but on the scale
of things this would have to be amongst the worst.

"I would hope that others would show the
maturity to acknowledge the responsibility for
their actions."

The attack made the front pages of newspapers
around the world at the time and was used by
the Australian government as propaganda to
"avenge" the 11 nurses who died aboard.

Mr Lucas said there could have been no mistaking
the Centaur for anything but a hospital ship as
pictures show a red cross clearly marked on the side.

"Early photos show it's the Centaur with
a big red cross on it," Mr Lucas said.

"The ship is quite severely damaged with
a slight list to port.

"This vessel was known in diplomatic channels to
be a hospital ship."

World renowned shipwreck hunter David Mearns
found the Centaur on December 20 last year and
returned to film the footage on behalf of the
Australian and Queensland governments.
Doctors and nurses on board_c0157558_18265182.jpg
中川肇少佐の日本軍潜水艦 「 伊177 」 が攻撃。

Doctors and nurses on board_c0157558_1827443.jpg
「 知らない 」 と言い張る日本大使館は
by fighter_eiji | 2010-01-11 18:27 | English
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