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Thanks to wives
子どもたちへ :

奥さんに 「 ありがとう 」 を言えない夫たちが
Thanks to wives_c0157558_2373627.jpg
Thanks to wives_c0157558_237476.jpg
Thanks to wives_c0157558_238160.jpg
These men are screaming to say
" Arigato (=thank you) " to their wives as
they cannot say it in person or never said
that before.
This event is to give those husbands an
opportunity to say thanks.
They don't need to shout or scream though ..
After saying thanks, they receive flowers
and feel very happy.
I don't think that their wives were there
at the event.

This is the result of the "manual-book"
education with no hearts in it.
by fighter_eiji | 2010-01-29 23:10 | English
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