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How to use the park and equipment
How to use the park and equipment_c0157558_2213591.jpg
How to use the park and equipment_c0157558_2221023.jpg
They tell kids not to vandalize.
Most Japanese kids have fathers.
But there's no such thing like desciplines
which fathers don't have either.
How to use the park and equipment_c0157558_223174.jpg

These other warnings are addressed to parents,
but the funny thing is that they put "readings" on
how to read the "kanji/Chinese" characters which
we only do to children normally.
If you are an ordinary adult, you should be able
to read it all without any problems.
The park management guys are talking to those
"grown-up children" who can't read, write or
understand properly.
How to use the park and equipment_c0157558_2273782.jpg

by fighter_eiji | 2010-04-20 22:12 | English
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