子どもたちへ :
The creatures at Japan's Liberal Democratic Party
(=Jimin-to) talk like mafia when their members
want to quit.
It sounds like they'd hang these men who
are leaving.
They are the ones who inherit and
still encourage Japan's imperialism.
This guy at the top of the mafia party says
" It is absolutely unforgivable (to leave the party)
and the most severe punishment is to be applied."
Fugu is a blowfish with killing poison.
That's what they are.
[厳罰に処す] なんて、このおっさんは、警察か?
「 辞める 」 って言ってる人を 「 除名 」 してどうする?
「 駐車 」 してる車を 「 停める 」 やつがいるか?
This fellow is another descendant which
is against the law.
His uncle was the top of Japan's trashy
Police Dept.
腐敗の代表、警察庁長官だった・・ やっぱり。
This is the man who wants to leave the
party and make a new one.