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Deadly fugu fish
子どもたちへ :

The creatures at Japan's Liberal Democratic Party
(=Jimin-to) talk like mafia when their members
want to quit.
It sounds like they'd hang these men who
are leaving.
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Deadly fugu fish_c0157558_8571384.jpg
They are the ones who inherit and
still encourage Japan's imperialism.
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This guy at the top of the mafia party says
" It is absolutely unforgivable (to leave the party)
and the most severe punishment is to be applied."
Fugu is a blowfish with killing poison.
That's what they are.
Deadly fugu fish_c0157558_96130.jpg
[厳罰に処す] なんて、このおっさんは、警察か?
「 辞める 」 って言ってる人を 「 除名 」 してどうする?
「 駐車 」 してる車を 「 停める 」 やつがいるか?
This fellow is another descendant which
is against the law.
His uncle was the top of Japan's trashy
Police Dept.
Deadly fugu fish_c0157558_9204387.jpg
腐敗の代表、警察庁長官だった・・ やっぱり。

This is the man who wants to leave the
party and make a new one.
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Deadly fugu fish_c0157558_983058.jpg
Deadly fugu fish_c0157558_984291.jpg

by fighter_eiji | 2010-04-24 09:13 | English
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