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200-300 years old
200-300 years old_c0157558_1043456.jpg
In the city of Kobe alone, there are 105
people who are " missing " and they
are all over 100 years old.

What's that?
The thing is that --

- Those garbage guys in the city government
don't care. They just take what people say
and keep paying them pensions and such.
One person's address had been changed
to a park 20 years ago and no one can live
there, but they don't care.
She is 125 years old if she is there.

- The families who have old people can get
paid extra, so that even when they are dead
they don't tell you.
They keep insisting " I don't know where she/he
is. " " She/he has been missing for a few days. "

It's more or less the same in many cities and
towns in Japan.

Civil servants don't do anything no matter what.
Citizens do anything for money no matter what.

Japan is the number one country of living long.
No wonder why.
Many people will be 200 years old soon.
200-300 years old_c0157558_2244642.jpg
こんなに大きな詐欺のような仕事をしていて (=してなくて)
「 自分が悪かった 」 と名乗るやつは、当然いない。
それどころか 「 おれは、悪くない 」 という態度の
by fighter_eiji | 2010-08-15 10:10 | English
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