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4th arrest
Yesterday, a 30-year-old man was arrested for
raping 10-12-year-old girls.
He said that he did a few more dozen same
thing in the last 1 year or so.
This arrest was his 4th for the same crime.
He is a teacher at a primary school in Tokyo.
Although he was arrested 4 times for the same
crime, he has always been a school teacher and
his workplace is the perfect place to hunt for
more innocent victims.

Tokyo Met government is disgusting.
It's run by fascists and they are recruiting teachers
from all over Japan by providing free transportation,
accommodation and so on.

He is probably not the only one who is like him.
Students should ask their teachers about her/his
criminal record.
by fighter_eiji | 2010-09-02 20:25 | English
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