人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る
As good jump as it gets
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_8594464.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_8595439.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_90418.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_901286.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_901933.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_902714.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_903595.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_904551.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_905381.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_91278.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_911046.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_911955.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_912750.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_91344.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_915976.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_92733.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_924397.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_925236.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_93133.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_931066.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_931848.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_932770.jpg
As good jump as it gets_c0157558_933685.jpg
Chidren are great.
They can jump as high as the blue sky.
Shame no fathers come even though
we pick Sundays for the workshops.
Good that some mothers told me
that it changed them a lot.

Life is a jump.
by fighter_eiji | 2010-10-18 09:03 | English
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