人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る
Don't know love
I feel for Japanese people as so many and too
many people don't seem to know what love is

It is like not having beef or cheese when
you are having a cheeseburger or no dessert
when you eat in a French restaurant.

- Bullying at schools, workplaces and at homes.
- Family members don't eat together.
- They don't talk either and concentrate on
computer games and manga books.
Don\'t know love_c0157558_12383854.jpg
- High suicide rate.
- Eat fish alive on plates with his body chopped
and sliced.
- Imperialism and massacre all over the place.
- Women treated as slaves and toys.

- Killing whales.
- Murdering dolphins.
- Swallowing live baby fish.

- Segregation everywhere (among Japanese too).
- Most people are racists while they don't
realize at all that they are.

- No one gives seats away to old folks
when riding on trains.
- No one helps mothers with baby strollers.

- No spontaneous reactions.
- No expressions.
- No natural smile.
- No conversation.
- Extremely jealous about other people.
- Really stingy.

... all of these are very strange, but it does
explain very well when you come to understand
that they don't understand love.

  ● From a Reader ●

Thank you for summarizing this.
I'd like to put it in a big ad in the newspaper...
by fighter_eiji | 2011-03-07 03:37 | English
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