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Homework = Crime
== Doug's Report ==

Re so much homework given to Japanese
students every day and for vacation periods.

That's so sad......and is a crime.
Why don't parents speak up
- because they will be penalized right.
I feel like taking them to court to debate
this issue.

Also, Eiji do you know if there is any
"educational policy " like the one
I have attached to this email.
It is from the Victoria school district.

Even on the web site there is
a "complains" section.





===== Education Policy ======

The Greater Victoria School District is committed
to each student’s success in learning within
a responsive and safe environment.
Modification to this document is not permitted
without prior written consent from the
Greater Victoria School District.

Policy 100 Page 1 of 2



The Board of School Trustees of School District
No. 61 (Greater Victoria) believes
that education is a continuing and interactive
process involving the home, the school,
and the community.
The Board believes that for the schools of
the District, the purpose of education is
to provide students with the intellectual,
social, personal, and vocational
experience necessary to the development
of a positive self-image as well as the
skills and knowledge to become valued and
contributing members of a complex
and changing society.
This purpose can be achieved by having in
the schools an environment that leads
to involvement, achievement, creativity,
and a joy of learning and teaching for
pupils and teachers alike. Learning and
teaching are inter-related and should
result in development of self-esteem,
self-discipline and the understanding by all
pupils of their capabilities and skills.
In order to realize this purpose, our school
programs will help students to:


1. Acquire knowledge and skills in
communication, literature, mathematics, the
natural and social sciences,
and the visual and performing arts.
2. Develop the skills of inquiry, reasoning,
and creative and critical thinking.
3. Develop a desire for learning.


Modification to this document is not
permitted without prior written consent
from the Greater Victoria School District.

Policy 100 Page 2 of 2

4. Learn to respect others, to get along
with others, and to respect the property
of others.
5. Acquire knowledge and develop
appreciation of their rights and
responsibilities in society.


6. Understand and practice the precepts
of health and safety.
7. Develop a feeling of positive self-worth.
8. Learn the constructive use of leisure time.
9. Develop a sense of responsibility.
10. Develop the qualities of self-reliance
and independence.


11. Develop skills and knowledge to assist
in the career development process.
12. Develop the qualities of industry and initiative.
by fighter_eiji | 2011-08-15 17:21 | English
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