人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る
Yamanote Line with all seats taken
On Yamanote Line in Tokyo, the train
was fully seated, but not too many
people were standing.

A pregnant woman with her big
belly came in from Shinjuku Station.
Everyone saw her, but nobody moved.

One man in the middle was watching
everyone and said a word to himself
" I can't take it. " He stood up and
gave his seat to the lady.

I said to this man
" Are you from Germany? "
He said yes.
I could tell from his accent.
He and I talked a few minutes
together on the train about this
cold-blooded society in Japan
although he just couldn't understand
which is normal.
by fighter_eiji | 2011-11-13 20:54 | English
<< 大勢いても、見てるだけ On the platform... >>