人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る
Bag People and Boots Kids
Bag People and Boots Kids _c0157558_20515318.jpg
To me, the most depressing things I see in my daily life are ..

a) In Japan: So many people carry Louis Vuitton bags and wallets etc. Even 12 year old children do so.

b) Outside Japan: I come across young Japanese people who must be in their twenties and yet belong to a travel tour group to follow the flag like sheep. They are all dressed cool with cowboy boots and so on. Often boys are with their girlfriends and wives. Those ladies don't seem to care the fact that their partners just follow the flag instead of enjoying the real adventure of visiting new places.

This is the result of how the Japanese society is designed. Here is the manual book to follow. Don't think. Just do what you are told.
by fighter_eiji | 2007-09-10 20:37 | English
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