『 こども国連 』 のダグ校長先生の北米トリップ・レポート
きょうは、Wisconsin から (Chicago のそば) Good morning Everyone, Today's buffet breakfast at the hotel was the typical American breakfast - a selection of scrambled eggs with cheese, hash brown potatoes, yougut, bread plus something I have not seen for a while "biscuits and gravy". A "biscuit" in the USA is another word for "bun". Gravy is what you have with potatoes so as a Canadian Here in the USA, everyone likes to put gravy on their potatoes....even french fries and bread. Gravy tastes good but has lots of calories. The bathtubs in the USA/Canada may be small BUT drinks come large sized. Drinks at convenience stores and vending machines are 500 ml each can and cost $2.50 which is about Yen 200. This is enough for 2 in my opinion and I cannot drink all of this - or don't want to. At Starbucks in Japan there are three sizes of the drinks: "short", "tall", "grande", but there is no "short" size at Starbucks in the USA.....The three choices for coffee at Starbucks is a "tall", "grande" and "vendre"...The price of a "tall" coffee at Starbucks in the USA is about the same cost as a "short" size in Japan. Interesting. ..I also noticed that people here like to walk around with their coffee. They walk down the street holding their drinks, walk on buses and even bring the coffee in the front door to work. I'm right, they can't drink the coffee at once!. On the streets US made cars/trucks also come large sizes to hold the coffee drinkers with their coffee. Off to Victoria tomorrow.
by fighter_eiji
| 2008-01-08 10:29
| Children’s Times
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