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Doug's Trip Report #5
●○ 『こども国連』 校長先生、ダグのトリップレポート ●○

Here is the final segment of the "Canada Tour".

Today took the 7:00 am ferry, and then the bus to Vancouver Airport. It takes about 2.5 hours total by ferry or 30 min by a small plane, but I decided to take the ferry.
There was university girl from Japan on the bus too. I knew she was from Japan because the bus driver asked what music she was listening to on her iPod, and her answer was a Japanese song. At the airport she took a picture with him and both were very happy with the brief encounter. She was on the same flight to Tokyo as I was.

On the ferry, I saw this poster " The road to enlightment [learning new things] is not paved" which made me think as well.

On the plane, I sat next to a 63 old gentleman from India who moved to Vancouver 2 years ago with his family. We shared a lot of interesting stories even though he did not speak English well. I feel from his conversation that he had a warm heart, and it made the trip enjoyable for both of us single travellers!

Now I'm back in Tokyo. It's been fun to write these reports.

by fighter_eiji | 2008-01-15 07:44 | Children’s Times
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