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Toys made in ..
Toys made in .._c0157558_2337231.jpgJosh and
Sara were
with toys
of trays
and bowls.

Their father walked by and said
" Don't buy toys. They are dangerous. "
Mother said " He's right. The ones made in China are dangerous. "

Josh and Sara went to a shop and bought new things to play with.

Josh " Dad. They are not made in China. Made in US, Belgium and Israel."
Dad " Good ! Much safer. "
Sara " Mom. They are not toys. They are real. "
Mom " Great ! Real stuff. "

Sara and Josh bought real machine guns and hand
guns from the back of a truck parked on the

Colt Government (US), Uzi Machine Gun (Israel) and
F.N.Browning (Belgium) were what they had bought.
by fighter_eiji | 2008-03-25 00:06 | English
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