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No big deal
" Sorry, folks to keep you waiting on board.
One of the navigation system is not working.
But we really don't need it unless the weather is really bad.
So, it's not a big deal.
But we still have to do some paperwork done.
As soon as it's done, we will take off. "

... The pilot announced as we were ready to fly from Seattle to Victoria.
They got the paperwork done on the truck engine beside the plane.
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Luckily the tires looked okay.
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And the visibility in our destination was good.
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Tires are working, too.
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Passengers couldn't help looking outside though.
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And it was bumpy.
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We made it without the navigation system.
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I'm fine, too.
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The cloud looked like a plane still flying.
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by fighter_eiji | 2008-04-23 19:21 | English
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