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Pearson College
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Pearson College is located in such a beautiful spot
outside of Victoria.
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ピアスン・カレッジ大学に到着 (2008年4月18日)
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Abel and I sparred. He is from Panama that is the
home for Roberto Duran, one of the best fighters in
boxing history.
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From lying all over the place to ...
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Standing ovation at the end which is very nice.
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Carlos (middle) from Venezuela took all photos for
写真は、ベネズエラのカルロス (中央) に撮ってもらった
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Gracias, Grazie, Merci, Tak, Takk, Xiexie, Danke,
Bedankt, Thanks, everyone.
by fighter_eiji | 2008-04-23 22:42 | English
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