Tom Morello (born
May 30, 1964), is a Grammy Award- winning guitarist best known for his tenure with the band Rage Against the Machine. Tom Morello was born in New York City. His mother, Mary Morello, who is part Irish and part Italian, is a founder of Parents for Rock and Rap, an anti-censorship group. She was also a teacher at Libertyville High School. His father, Ngethe Njoroge, a Kenyan, was a Mau Mau guerrilla and revolutionary. Morello's great-uncle was the first elected president in Kenya. Morello grew up in Libertyville, Illinois, at the time a virtually all-white suburb of Chicago. There he attended Libertyville High School. He sang in the school chorus and was active in speech and drama club - a prominent role was Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream. He showed his political leanings early. Morello has described himself as having been "the only anarchist in a conservative high school", but has since identified as a nonsectarian socialist. In the 1980 mock elections at LHS, he campaigned for a fictitious anarchist "candidate" named Hubie Maxwell, who came in fourth place after Jimmy Carter at the overwhelmingly Republican school. Ronald Reagan won the mock election. He also wrote a piece headlined "South Africa: Racist Fascism That We Support" for the school's alternative paper, The Student Pulse. - Wikipedia - Rage Against the Machine recorded "The Ghost of Tom Joad" by Bruce Springsteen in 2002. Tom joined Springsteen's concert in Los Angeles on Apr 8, 2008 and performed "The Ghost of Tom Joad" with Springsteen. Lyrics : Now Tom said "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air Look for me Mom I'll be there Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand Or decent job or a helpin' hand Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free Look in their eyes Mom you'll see me." It was one of the most powerful songs played on that night. 若い頃は反政府ゲリラの一員。 母親は公民権運動の活動家。 肌の色でいじめにあった息子のトムにキング牧師のことなどを 話し、学び、闘う勇気をもたらした。 叔父さんはケニヤ初の選挙で選ばれた大統領。 白人中心社会の中で育ったトムは、差別を受けつつ、苦渋の日々を送りながらも、ハーバード大学を首席で卒業。 深い両親からは、深い息子が。 2002年、所属するバンド [ Rage Against the Machine ] はブルース・スプリングスティーンの 『 The Ghost of Tom Joad 』 をカバー録音。 その彼が、2008年4月8日、ロスアンジェルスでのスプリングスティーンのコンサートに登場し、『 The Ghost of Tom Joad 』 を歌った。 歌詞 : 警官が人を殴ったり、 産まれたばかりの赤ちゃんが空腹で泣いていたり、 人が、自分の権利や職を守るために立ち上がり、 誰かが、自由になるために闘っているところに、 オレはいるはずだよ、お母さん。 その夜のショーでも特に際立った曲になった。 一緒に観たイギリスの友達も感激していた。 ヒットすることなど考えないスプリングスティーンの隠れた傑作は、1996年のリリースから12年を経た今こそ、社会の暗部と 真実をピタリと捉えているのが分かる。 ジョン・スタインベック文学が、100年後もミュージシャンに よって、社会改革の力を発揮。 (Photos : Backstreets Magazine)
by fighter_eiji
| 2008-04-28 00:10
| English
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