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Toys. Landmines.
They found some toys " dangerous " if children eat it.
So they are trying to stop buying these toys.

Landmines are still the biggest selling " product " in
the world.

News on TV look as if they were telling us everything.
In fact, they are not telling us anything really
They tell you how many people got killed by car
accidents today.
No news is available on how many children got
blown up by mines today.
No news on who made them.
No news on who sold them.
Someone is controlling the news.
Toys. Landmines._c0157558_22423766.jpg
Photo : Nhat Trinh


三菱 UFJ 銀行他、大手の日本銀行は、地雷等、武器メーカーにどんどん投資中。

by fighter_eiji | 2008-05-01 22:51 | English
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